Friday, May 15, 2009


Life is expensive. You have to spend one third of your life by doing something you don't want to do, something that is not making you happy at all, just to raise money for your pure existence. Once you don't have a regular job with regular income, you quickly find out how expensive it is just to live and breathe, eat and sleep under the roof. The second third of your life you sleep. That can be adventurous. But most of us don't have this luxury of lucid dreams or astral travelling available and we simply throw this time into the dustbin of oblivion. And the remaining one third..well, that's the problem. We're so tired from work, that very often there is not enough energy to do what we really want.
Nothing, that was just a sigh. How precious is every second when we are allowed and WANT to do what we really want.


Adarhaz said...


Je dulezity si tohle alespon uvedomit.
Ale clovek s tim nekdy neco udela, az kdyz nekdo v jeho okoli... no vsak vis. Pak si rekne: "sakrapes, vzdyt ja ten cas jeste mam" a prekope si priority. Nekdy...

Neni cas snit. Honime se za prachama, abysme mohli svy sny, predstavy idealniho uskutecnovat. Ale takhle to, bohuzel, nefunguje...:-(

Janne Marvannen said...

je to tezky. prachy jsou pro me jen prostredek k preziti. mozna lepsimu preziti, ale porad jen preziti. sedet vetsinu produktivniho casu v praci ktera ti nedava nic krome ty falesny "jistoty" je nekdy ubijejici. ale bez ty prace a bez tech prachu se ty sny uskutecnujou dost blbe. a taky se uskutecnujou dost blbe kvuli tomu, ze nemas kvuli praci na to cas.. je to paradox.
je fakt, ze casu je jeste porad dost, spousta lidi ten komfort nema ;)