Thursday, May 14, 2009

White Room News ###

Today just few shouts - so what's new?

Czech Republic is no country for clever men. People here are stupid, week-minded and follow the wrong music, wrong idols and wrong politicians. Everything seems to be wrong here.

Have just bought new computer - it's name is The Cube. I'm really excited about it - my old ObiWan Kenobi was just about to collapse. So right now I'm re-installing back all the features I need for proper work. Demoing and preparing live versions. I'm in no press, we have lost the producer again (he's too busy with Sunshine and Scissorhands), never mind. These new songs will be really interesting as they're born. I hope I'll be able to bring some more detailed info soon but at this point it's really painful job. We'll see.

Rob and his bunch attended the warmup Depeche show in Luxembourg last week. He looked amused. We'll check that out in June. Mira Jordan appeared on the opening show of Placebo at Shepperd's Bush, London this Monday. They played some new songs and overall they all looked quite relaxed. We'll have to check that out on RFP festival. LX, like usual, won't perform there.

Yo, there will be some LX live performance in June, unfortunately not in Prague, though. Any suggestions for Moby cover? ;)

Another breaking news - I.G. is gonna spend 2 weeks in June on tour with Depeche in order to shoot their backstage video-diary. Xciting, isn't it? ;)

EMF released a statement in which they claim they won't ever be performing anymore. How sad. We were so close to see them live in CZ this year :(

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, not to end in a sad way, our protests were heared and Prague1 politicians agreed with RockCafe owners to perform some reconstruction work again and the club is gonna be open again in September. And without police hour! That's some great news. Hopefully it's gonna all be fulfilled. And make sure LX have already booked a gig date in late October! ;)


Adarhaz said...

Thanks for news...

Adarhaz said...

...and Moby cover?

''Raining Again''
''That's When I Reach For My Revolver''