Monday, March 23, 2009


We have the specialiest of all the special editions of "No Line On The Horizon" at home now. It's really beautiful. Real artifact. Seems that this is the way the record companies will reach our pockets in 21st century.

Well, still there's some added value you'll get together with the album. Like the movie, book, poster, whatever else. Something from the background. So you may feel closer to the band. It's more intimate. Like in the old days, when you unpacked the CD or tape, browse the booklet and read the lyrics when listening for the first time. I like this way of selling music. Who doesn't care for it may just download the record either legally or illegaly, doesn't matter. But this feeling of unpacking the new album and being closer to the artist will not be there.

So I'm looking forward cause this year's gonna be a harvest. At least new Depeche Mode and Placebo have their 'special editions' on their way.
I hope we'll be able to hit this road too, even probably in more humble way. But I guess it'll be worth trying. To do something more. Album's not enough and I would so much like to produce artifact. With story behind.

The question for one million is: will people in our country buy it?

1 comment:

Adarhaz said...

Dear Janne,

these "special" editions are one of the way to survive in this time of illegal downloads etc.

Bands must offer something more. Then it´s not a question of money.

And, that´s very important, this is the right way to feel more closer...