Friday, March 20, 2009


Again some headlines from LX camp.

Yesterday we attended The Prostitutes' gig. Crowded Roxy and a R2D2-ish kinda thingy on stage. New songs from the new album. It's not as wild as it was, people mostly reacted on the old material. But it's good. I like them.
I was there with Rob and my brother who has just arrived from the Emirates and during the gig I went so pissed that I cannot remember anything. Just some taxi rides around Prague. And that my wallet is empty.

Parrot Larry is getting cheekier as time goes. Spending most of his time on our heads trying to bite us. Sometimes it's nerve wreckin'. But we love him, whatever ;)
He loves me playing guitar. He's very curious. What he doesn't like is me singing. He constantly tries to shout me down. So his chirping can be likely heard in every demo.

Yes, demoing - something is happening. Soundcard is repaired and guitars prevail. Right now I am considering purchase of new one, a Fender Jaguar (Brian's bitch):) We'll see. Guitars are like chips. One's never enough. I'm gonna practice a bit so I hope I'll be able to make it on stage someday.

The idea of falling into the black hole hasn't left me yet. Although our intended spring single will be a lovesong (although not so typical lovesong), most of the lyrics circle around darkness again. I believe there's enough of it inside of me to write about. Some of the ideas appear to be a bit Thom Yorkish but I still reckon there'll be some powerful fast things to be good in concert.

In very near future we'll be in the studio with Mark Velvet, the producer. We'll see what will that bring. But even at the moment I'm able to say that I have a good feeling about it.

Good news - Rob managed to squeeze some money from OSA! (Authors guild) Un-fuckin-believable :) It's not much, but everything counts. Again, Robert aspires for the title "Fletcher of the year".

Our friend Tim is already heating the machines and we are all looking forward to our Rotterdam trip (mainly our misses) :o) We'll hit the road on friday morning, enjoy the Friday night in coffeshops and pubs and prepare for our Saturday's gig at Baroeg. Really looking forward to it. And for the five-star hotel we have booked. Hell yeah! On tour again!


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