Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Strange Hours.

So pissed off and in state of so called zombie insomnia. Seems that we're stuck in a moment we can't get out of. Two gigs cancelled, one because of 'technical reasons', second because of our loved club Rock Cafe faces threat of its closure again. Politics and politicians sucks. And I have this strange feeling again, that some people shall be abridged of their voting and other rights to prevent them from causing evil.
Please sign the petition if you can, cos this is maybe the only chance how to move things the right way. More info on www.rockcafe.cz.

Alrite, so that's it. Rob is losing energy, so are we. We were born in a wrong country. Never mind. We'll be playing at least one festival during summer. Wank it.

However, good news is that few songs are getting shape. It's quite interesting and the sound is, how else, different to what we produced before. And the lyrics, yeah. Pretty different. Back to surrealism and decadence. And poetry of some kind. I am so much hoping that these new songs will come to life soon.

I feel like a vampire chronicly addicted on sucking music :) and I'll never stop, that's a promise.

My new discovery is called White Lies. Check out "To Lose My Life". It reminds me Bravery a bit, but this sounds pure and fresh. Btw. they'll be at Planet Festival.

I'm sorry to say that, but new Depeche album sucks. I like Wrong, Come Back, Corrupt and bit of Little Soul. That's miserably little for DM album :( when I listen to songs like Peace, In Sympathy or Fragile Tension, I can't believe my fucking ears. Something went wrong and I guess they need to switch producer quickly. If only all the holy angels came back to Earth and convinced Alan to return to the band...

Rotterdam trip was magnificent. Bit nervous, so it is with everything what you are so much looking forward to. But our host Tim was extremely nice and friendly, so was his friend Jolanda. We were having a really great time, nice five star hotel, beautiful modern city and cute gothic club with pleasant service and the slowest sound-engineer on planet Earth. The audience was pleased with our performance (I believe) and it's quite nice being a musician on tour I agree ;) Again, too bad we're from the eastern shitty part of Europe, down the one-way street. But it was quite a step for us.
Hopefully IG's gonna put some of the pics online and manages to update and finalize our new pages as well soon.

I have ordered another deluxe box set, this time from Placebo. If I find this laminate-pass confirming backstage appearance and dinner with the band, I promise to force Brian (even by violence) to bring us with them on tour, so we can once and for all say goodbye to this God-of-Music-forsaken country and realize our dreams :o)

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