Monday, October 20, 2008


Twitta's back.

Not very happy about the elections..well, I have already reconciled with the fact that so many people around are dumb, but I wouldn't like to spent the rest of my life under Russian occupation again..hopefully things'll go the way I won't be forced to emigrate over Atlantic. We'll see.

Being in the mood of composing? Well, partially yes, to be honest. Some ideas slowly come to existence. Into the rainbows, perhaps. Or X cabaret? Or interpol? Who knows. All I know for the moment is that my Line 6 card is still broken so there's a big chance the new songs shall have completely electronic outfit. One more thing - I realize I should make some more powerful hits, cause we wanna be a successful concert band, yet so far no fast songs come from under my pen. It's like a deliberateness. More news to come soon.

Partial reconstruction of the White flat almost done. I have turned into sort of Tim Allen. Really wondering how manually gifted I am. Well, at least I won't have any troubles with getting a job behind the Atlantic when it all begins. A good craftman is always wanted. In the end I could be a street guitarist as well, couldn't I?

My nerves are constantly breaking and my mood oscillates between melancholy, tranquile happiness to sudden bursts of rage and then back to repentance and silent joy.

It's like I'm willing to jump and celebrate life, but my legs are embedded in concrete.

I would like to paint pieces of poetry all around my bathroom and I wonder if I'm able to do it. If yes, nothing's lost.


Adarhaz said...

I´m here and still reading your posts... Thanks for them.

Don´t give it up. Write, draw - do anything what can make a change.

(I confess - I can´t imagine LX´s "happy" lyrics, no no!!!:-)

Take care.

Janne Marvannen said...

:o) thanx a lot. and no happy lyrics, I promise ;)