Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Autumn Twitting

I feel really tired after the moving. Seems that my backbone is not constructed for such amount of load. Day before yesterday I couldn't almost move. Today I'm able to turn my neck already but it's still far away from being fresh and free.

My soundcard is out of order. This is real bad news as I was planning to start to work hard on new songs. I'll try to have it repaired as soon as possible or the new album will be pure electronic one. Which was obviously not my intention at first.

Good news is as well that a meeting of the band is scheduled for this week and there are some really interesting news in store. Stay tuned.

Everybody these days is asking the same question: Where has our old Sparta gone?

Dave Gahan is still looking cool even in his mid-40's. How the hell is he doing that? Got to ask him.

And last, but not least I can't forbear to write this down: New Facebook really sucks!

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