Monday, October 27, 2008

Another attack on Radio Wave

Radio Wave, one of the very few radio stations in our country faces another attack of the self-proclaimed rulers of our media universe, The committee for the Czech Broadcast. Yet absurd, but in its essence it reveals how stupid people, brought up in communism, still have a power to influence others' lives and poison the air with stench of totality regimes from the last century.

The plot in few words: the Committee proclaimed that Radio Wave, by broadcasting Primal Scream's song "Swastika Eyes", supports fascism (!).

There's a full record of this "off-site" discussion. As one of the journalists pertinently wrote, for uninitiated it all might have looked like an unreleased episode of Monthy Python's Flying Circus. Some of their proclamation could sound funny, of course just in case it was on a retro TV-show having fun of times once for all passed. But such words give you creeps: "This minor group (meant listeners of the Radio Wave) is not according to my opinion a future of this nation" said Richard Medek, programme director of the Czech Broadcast, and continues: "I don't even know, if Radio Wave in such form and contens, has any right for living."
Dana Jaklova, another member of the commitee agrees: "No one is able to keep an eye out on it. It deserves a discussion, whether such radio station for young people may work in such way under frame of public service media. What shall the radio station for young mean and how shall it work."

Besides that, for all the committee members feel discomfortable that a 2 hours show was completely in English. They had to have a translation made and they feel very anxious about the fact that our children are corrupted by such load of broadcast in different language!

I thought that communism was over, but not even 20 years weren't enough to sweep this poisonous way of thinking from peoples minds.
Just for such people is the song "Swastika Eyes" addressed.

And because I consider myself of being among the people who are not a future of this nation, I feel obliged to go out and shout it loud. Tommorrow I'm gonna sign the petition. I wouldn't like to come to the point where such people are deciding about what I shall listen to or what my children shall listen to.

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