Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Radio Wave R.I.P.

Back from vacation, September 1 jumping in my car and heading to work, I happen to hear some crap communist-like broadcasting on the radio instead of Radio Wave, one of my favourite stations. WTF?
Radio Wave was cut from the analogue signal based on decision of the ‘Czech broadcasting committee’. I guess I won’t comment the proclaimed reasons given to this act – the whole case of liquidation of this progressive radio station (what else than liquidation shall it be called) has longed for some 2 years and it has been even in front of the court already.
The other thing is important – common sense has lost once again here in this country to dim administrative dickheads. Or was it lobbying of commercial radio stations playing crap for the flock of sheep? Even this is fairly possible – corruption is a second name of our authorities.
It really sucks, believe me. :(

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