Tuesday, September 02, 2008


A brief twitting after summer holidays. Chinese Olympics sucks – glad they’re over. Politics and propaganda were never my cup of tea, and it’s a shame that sportsmen didn’t have enough courage to steer clear of this bitter theatre. Money doesn’t stink, I guess..
Having cable TV with more than 60 other channels than sport, I managed to successfully boycott and ignore the whole thing. All I know is that the American mutant has won some 8 medals or something because it’s simply everywhere.

Frost comes after years from Cremlin again. No matter how deep the rabbit hole is, I reckon this time it leads to doubtful sources of gas and oil. The same arguments as Nazis had back in the 30’s for aggression – questionable “protection of our citizens abroad”. This is simply inexcusable. And it proved once again that Russians will never give up what they called “area of our interests”. Ironically among the high point of the stupid debate “shall we have this radar here or not?” I guess the Russians hurried to bring the heaviest argument themselves. I hope that it helped some people to wake up.

Summer vacation was really fine, first of all some nice festivals, Creamfields escape before mayhem, Sazavafest on beverage truck rulley and one little festival on Czech-Polish border full of homeless and ska, than relaxing in the countryside doing absolutely nothing. Ideal holiday for me ;) The band is now being put on ice, some new ideas come to my mind, but very slowly. I was supposed to do music for some fashion show but eventually it didn’t turned out. About my plans in next post.

Yesterday I saw “Horton Hears A Who” and it’s really cute ;) And I guess it’s a nice and optimistic end of this post.

Thanx J.

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