Thursday, September 04, 2008

New Links

As you might notice, I added some new links. First of all, Cuketka is probably the most respected foodblogger in Czech Republic. The site is in Czech, unfortunately, however I felt a necessity to put a link here for I am really a big fan of this guy. And food, of course :)
Help For English is one of my favourite English on-line course I have encountered. For learning English, or some practicing and mind-refreshing, this one's the best. And for free.
Finally, Grundislav Games is a site of my favourite adventure maker, Francisco Gonzalez. You have probably noticed I'm a fan of old games and oldskool games and I really like playing freeware games made in Adventure Game Studio (AGS). Ben Jordan, a paranormal investigator series belong to the top of that genre. A lot of people nowadays are complaining that recent games are superb in terms of graphics, FX or whatever else but often lose the most important thing - a story. Screenplay that would drag you inside the game the way you would read a book. And that's why I keep playing old games. I suppose I shall write about Ben Jordan as well as about one of my favourite RPG games in some next post later.
thx J

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