Thursday, September 18, 2008


Quite often I read about rich people engaging themselves in charity. Someone talks about it, someone doesn’t.
And very often I hear voices saying something like “Yeah, it’s really cool to donate on charity when you have ass full of money”.

I guess the problem is that people who doesn’t think about charity or helping others since they’re not rich wouldn’t even think of it if they became rich.
The point is not how much you give, but the fact that you’re giving itself. For someone who earns million dollars per month, a one thousand dollars is almost nothing. If you earn thousand dollars and give one dollar, value’s the same. And sure one dollar’s nothing for you. But it may help.
So I’m thinking about this sentence: DO WHAT YOU CAN.

It seems for me that it shall be common that people who have glut of money could take care and support the ones who weren’t that lucky.
We are lucky to live in this small rich part of the world and I guess that anyone can think about how to help someone who wasn’t lucky enough.

Do what you can, even a small help counts.

I’m putting another link to my collection that could be a sort of inspiration.
Thanx J

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