Wednesday, November 11, 2009

White November News

It's November, after all. Cold and sleepy weather. I feel like I'm wasting my energy just to stay alive these days.

Good news - White Room building site is proceeding well. Fortunately Ed as an architect is in control of everything and he's really trying hard to make the workers do their job well and not to cross the budget and quality line. Now the wooden floor has to be set, which shall take something like month and a half more. We'll be happy to return home before Christmas. Which is a time I should have all the demos ready for Trava. That seems like utopia at the moment, but sometimes, miracles happen.

Two demo songs are recorded at the moment, one sent to X production. We'll see. It's all too abstract to tell how it's gonna end, but so far guys from the band like it.
And some good news - the lyrics won't be optimistic at all. Seems that I am, despite the fact I am now having the most satisfactory and happy time of my life, still able to find enough demons inside or outside of me to write songs about. And the desire, and the passion. And the vampires, bloodsuckers and attachment to wooden crosses by chains. Seems it'll be a little parental advisory this time, but would you consider the verse "will you bring me high with your lips and with your hands" too explicit? I certainly wouldn't ;)

Yesterday I have visited Tom Jones' gig here in Prague with my mother, who has been his lifetime fan. Shortly said, it was an amazing experience. Great sound, great band, really good songs (Sugar Daddy from Bono, Thunderball, couple of old tracks and one atmospherical theme called 24hours), and 69 years old singer in a magnificent vocal condition. Really great. And, as a bonus, my moved mother ;) that was like a present to me that I could have made her happy.

1 comment:

Adarhaz said...

Thanks for news...