Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Away from home

First two nights out of my home. The horrible week of packing and moving is over. It was really a stressful event. I'm tired. Yesterday was a first day of White Room reconstruction. Everything's ruined and the place is a complete building site (pictures maybe later). Can it be law to kill your neighbor? I hope not this time but I'll try to avoid any assassination attempt.

Sunday evening was the last moving day. My Alesis amplifier didn't survive as it was dropped on the floor when moving to my brother-in-law's apartment :( sad news, but I still have my headphones and managed to set up a small 'studio-like' corner in our room. I have to finish the demo. At least for this one song that shall become a key thing for our planned reality show 'Looking For Producer'. It was once a Placebo-like track, then it turned into an acoustic slow version to end up like something between Thom Yorke shagging Brian from Placebo again somewhere in the electric power plant. And the other one, that has been written almost year ago, which, to my deep anger, has almost the same rhytm pattern like 'Uprising'. How the hell could that freak Bellamy hear what was coming out of my window this spring? And the other one, Igor's favourite, with Molko resemblance again, that could be fairly called "Cold 2" for its lyrics. And finally the one with working title "Coldplay" ;o) we'll see.

Anyway, Muse's latest album. I like it. But it's not that perfect as it could or should be, to be honest. First three tracks - absolutely great. Eurasia - total nightmare for me (I really dislike Queeen, sorry). Guiding Light - good piece, but too much sugar can make even the best tea undrinkable. Unnatural Selection - if it is about harder tracks, I prefer such as 'Assasin' for instance. This one is more like a SOAD or Tankian tribute. MK Ultra - can't even remember this track for how often I have skipped it. I Belong To You - is this Maroon 5 or what? Damned. And I was so so looking forward to this album. Luckily there's this great piece of art in the end that saves it all - Exogenesis. I once wrote that listening to it simply splits me into atoms. It was like I saw my own funeral with lots of people crying at the end of a post-apocalyptic movie. Simply great. It's a pity that the middle of the album is crap, the beginning and the end is magnificent.


Adarhaz said...

I´m sorry about everything what happened.

And LX´s tracks, sound? You should release new album as soon as possible (your lyrics, LX´s sound is evidently very close to the new "world" sound - "Uprising" for example :-)

And Muse... I like „I Belong to You". This is not classic Muse track, but I like it.
Anyway, I agree...

Janne Marvannen said...

Late spring 2010, that's the deadline. Don't know whether we'll hit this hyped 80's sound of today..we have been always de mode and I guess we allways will be ;) but yes, minimoog and such analogue stuff are things I use suspiciously often ;)