Thursday, November 20, 2008


Let's revive the tradition of short news from LX's camp.
Today just few glimpses.

Guns'n'Roses' album "Chinese Democracy" is out - well, one thing less to make fun of.

More interesting thing - Placebo are gonna play a special gig at Angkor Wat, Kambodia, dedicated to raise awareness and increase prevention of human trafficking. As it is the first concert ever in this UNESCO heritage and first performance of Placebo with their new drummer, it'll be a really special event for sure.

I'm fighting with my sloth, but some new ideas are being born. I have almost all the song names and few lyrics done.

Rob attended a premiere of "Creamfields 2008", a documentary about the party and the armageddon. You can find the trailer, together with a piece of 'Anywhere' on YouTube.

I've finally managed to get the indie video of 'Anywhere' from I.G. so now you're finally able to take a look at it on YouTube and our website.

New LX album won't be produced by J.P.Muchow - unfortunately he's too busy :( few more interesting names yet in store. But it's sure that the new album will have a producer.

Soundcard is still broken, so far no guitars involved in demoing.

LX video for 'Sway' has surprisingly appeared on "". Are LX emo? Nothing's impossible, I guess. Looking forward to stripe-dressed pierced teenagers under the stage :)

The new album shall be released at X production next year.

Still hoping that Interpol will come to play to Czech Republic someday. If not, guess it'll be time to travel out for them. After Placebo, there is perhaps no band these days that would really touch me the way this band does.

There is yet no working title for the album. Any suggestions?

Next year will be the first year of LX playing gig outside Czech Republic (westwards).

I have a parrot. He's yellow-green budgerigar and his name is Larry Mullen jr.

that's for the news, C U L8R

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