Monday, December 03, 2007

I don't understand it - again...

First time I didn't want to comment it, but having read another news article about this topic, I cannot restrain.
Children in one Sudan's class voted for the name of the teddybear "Muhammad".
So far so good.
Until the crowds of thousands of people were calling for her death. Until the class teacher was sentenced for 15 days jail (and I guess that such moderate punishment was chosen only because of the "perpetrator" being a foreign citizen - stoning or whipping was yet in store).
What the fuck shall that mean..
We're appealed for the tolleration. We acknowledge the entire crowd of religious, ethnical, cultural minorities, opinion streams.. but be aware when you find yourself on the other side of the map.. for you might be sentenced to death even for simply being who you are. No common sense. This is madness for me. And I don't understand it. And I slowly become being pissed off with people who want to freely practice their religion here, wear burkas and turbans and build mosques in Europe, but at the same time are acclaiming death to anyone different in their countries.
Don't tell me that islam is a peaceful religion. Perhaps christianity was a "peaceful religion" too in the middle ages when they were burning people on the bonfires.
Any religion proclaiming death and hell for the non-believers is a pure evil, and its followers are
servants of evil.


Janne Marvannen said...

The latest news say that the teacher was in the end set free by the court. So is that the happy end? Well, I don't quite think so...

Adarhaz said...

Happy end? No, just the beginning...