Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Nihilists

What was up until now only rumoured is now out.
One of the most original, progressive and in a way cult indie bands has just announced their split up. A big pity. Who ever attended their energetic live show, was caught and never released.
I have encountered their performance three years ago in Stromovka park, back then at the electronic festival. They didn't yet have a drummer but their show was like a revelation on our frowsy music scene. They had a success, and it continued and grew from show to show. First time I was thinking about some Sigue Sigue Sputnik revelation from the deep 80's, but in the end of their set I found myself dancing in front of the stage among the hypnotized crowd..and I became their fan. Two years later I was very glad that Moimir didn't see OUR performance there in the park and attended his first Lakeside gig two years later. I believe if he saw us back then we wouldn't become friends (there is no match for how horrible we played at that time) :o))
Hopefully that's not the end of days but for now,
rest in piece The Nihilists.

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