Monday, February 06, 2006

I don't understand it.

This time something not so poetic..

Why is this madness happening?
I don't understand it.
I don't understand violence.
I don't understand hatred.
I don't understand lack of overview.
I don't understand fight against freedom.

For the freedom of speech is the most valuable thing we can have.
And it's the freedom, that is untouchable.
Not anyone's god.
It's poor that some people don't understand that we all have a right to say what we want, that we have a freedom to express whatever it's on our mind, shall it seem to be offensive to someone, or not. We all are free, unique and on the same ship.

We are laughing, they are hating.

Fuck the fundamentalism. Of any kind. No god, church or prophet is worth killing and hating others for.
It's sad.

This picture says "I support Denmark in the fight for the freedom of speech"

This link I have found on Moby's site, and it tells quite a lot about this case.

1 comment:

Adarhaz said...

"...And it's the freedom, that is untouchable..." K tomu neni potreba koment:-( Je to v prdeli - a kam to muze jit priste?