Friday, February 03, 2006


I have been told that my lyrics aren't what they used to be.. and maybe it's true..god knows what will my new lyrics make in ears wanting to hear another 'Looking For You'..

The truth is that lyrics, or poems, may sometimes refer to a concrete situation in poet's life, but very often it's just a picture of the world that lies in imagination, that was created by a poet in his mind to express things that cannot be seen on a first sight..
And there can be many of those dreamworlds in poet's mind, they're like a layers, like a pieces of dress that you wear..some pieces are more visible, some of them are just close to your body, hidden from outer world.
Some pieces may be nice, some of them not.
If a poet decides to show something from his hidden thought-up world, it's like he's showing his underwear in the middle of the crowded public place..sometimes it's not so easy to talk about your worries, fears, desires and secret hopes..

I found a nice template to this blogger thanx to CAZ, and I really liked it, cause one of the worlds of mine is really wicked, ironic and perhaps a bit superficial..

In one of my worlds there's a big dusty and noisy city full of skyscrapers, sometimes in the near future, when there's always fog and smog in the streets so you can see just few metres in front of you. There are neons flickering, red and blue, and strings of rain pour the streets seven days a week..nothing to do, impersonal and soulless surroundings, adverts beckoning for goods no one ever wants, stupid TV shows, noise and information redundance, passivity, indifference and numbness..
And in this world, in one of the skyscrapers, light strips shine on the floor of the poorly decorated flat through the half-opened roller-blind..and two people full of alcohole and nicotine making love on that floor, because there's nothing else to do in a world like that..
And all this is in black and white, like a noir picture from the 40's..and it's all sad and hopeless and wasteful..

But maybe in this hopeless act lies somewhere the glimpse of light..maybe that even in the city where sun never rises can be a little hope.. ;o)

Well, I guess that my lyrics won't ever be the way they used to be..but It's still me, you know? ;o)

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