Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Are you looking for a decent paid, wide respected and much sophisticated job? Here's your chance!
Apply for a Broadcast Commitee member!
First of all, no language requirements - you can be completely analphabetic. Provided that you need a translation of any production, a carefully chosen and respected professional shall be hired to provide you with the exact translation.
Second - no need of any general view, neither in culture. The only thing you need is to know such words as "rap", "metal", "anarchist", "socially dangerous" and to name few key performers of the major Czech musicals.
Third - and the most important - thing is that all you care is a proper education and upbringing of our children. So they can grow up safe in a society without subversive elements speaking languages we don't understand, society, where peace, love and order prevails over anarchism, loud music and wild haidresses.

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