Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Having slowly started to compose new ideas for some distant release, some things are constantly floating through my mind..how we can penetrate this hidden veil that divides the exceptional work from the flock of averageness?

Always push the limits, artistically and humanly.
It is pointless to make music without knowledge of at least trying to get better and better. Improvement in every area is my goal since I have begun to compose. To surprise listeners and to surprise myself has to be the primary goal. To have somehow a courage to experiment and to extend personal and professional boundaries and artistic limits.
Our sound has to be enigmatic and eccentric all the way through.
Thinking about the pigeon holes that many people have tried to stuff us in since we ever started to appear in so called “scene”, I will help myself with part of an interview with Brian in some US magazine last autumn: “Creative expression represents a sort of freedom, and it’s tapping into an instinct with so many borders in the rest of the world, and so much significant meaning – and questions and answers that – it’s a kind of place we wouldn’t like to go, or think about, or even justify“.

For me, the question „what comes next“ is pointless in a way. There always will be a present, and it’ll bring many inspiration and surprises for us all.

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