Friday, August 10, 2007


It's now some distance taken from the release of EXIT:Nowhere and the first stage of the tour almost over. When reading all the reviews and thinking about the energetic and funny touring (tour diary coming soon), when thinking about all the irony and sensuality shining from the songs, when thinking about complete misunderstanding of the sense of the songs, as from the journalists as from the common people (few fans are light exceptions).. I cannot defend myself from having some dull thought like: "Is this really the album I nearly died for?" .. Well, life's full of surprises.


Adarhaz said...

Dear janne,

can you be more concrete? Pls... no names, but...

Some people need a simple lyrics and it could be tiring, yes.

From time to time I have to find myself between the lines (and it doesn´t be necessary:-(. From time to time I need a simple lyrics - for example "Tell Me You Understand Me" (but do you know why)...

I think I understand you and LX´s EXIT.. Maybe not...?

Where is the misunderstanding (by journalists, fans...)? Some concrete lyrics?


Sorry for poor (and bad:-) eng...

Janne Marvannen said...

Adarhaz> You don't have to worry, you are among the ones I think who understand the songs.
I am not very much fan of explaining the lyrics, I believe that the best thing is when everyone can find his own story or own sense of each song.
I just wanted to say that songs on this album are quite an embodiment of things I've been through past years and the inner states that were far from pleasant.. and for most of the public (journalists mainly) this two years work, two years of suffering, all the demons, worries, joy are drawn down by few sentences like "This sounds like Depeche Mode.. or Placebo" "Poor czech version of DM" "Not bad music, guys in black pretending to be cool like Placebo" .. etc.. very few people seem to care that what we are trying to do is real and it's not a sort of pose or something.. thanks to you and people like you who cares for the music as well as for the 'message' or whatever it is, for some sort of spiritual friendship that connect people who are not just on the surface, thanks to you and people like you, it convinces me that making our music still has sense and it's worth it.. I would have given up writing songs if there weren't people like you.
Thank you ;) J.

Anonymous said...

Janne, I guess you know the true about critics... ;)

Anyway, finally the real and really tasty pop album in Czech Republic in this year! Yeah! Great mix of fast and slow good played tracks with their own real feeling and mood.

I can't understand how is possible I haven't heard about LX before! Shame...

See ya in Akropolis on Oct 17th!