Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Hello again..
Now I can feel what it takes when you're outdoors in February trying to make some cool promo pictures ;) well, we were supposed to produce some images for our booklet, but the location was just as good
to make some band pics too.
An abandonned bridge, unfinished, in the middle of nowhere, a really depressive remnant of the communist era..yeah, it was the great surroundings to make some pictures for "EXIT:NOWhere"..

I hope I'll be able to introduce some more thoughts about the album and about how things go, as the whole story of my demons is now just embodied in few songs and lyrics.. strange.. but it helped, I guess.. it seems now like it was a third person's story..but it's not, actually.

When we were riding back to Prague together with the band, we listened to a final master demo of the album and there was one thing I have realized when thinking about the difference between this album and 'Sunrise'. It's faster, of course, more guitarish sounds, harder, perhaps.. but the main difference I recognized was the voice. It's much more in front, it's not just somewhere in the background like another instrument.. it seems to me like it was crying out loud from the music like it was a crispy cry full of death.. when you listen to 'Ultraviolet' you'll know what I'm talking about.

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