Frana Drtikol has been and is one of the ones.
He aimed far, and he reached it.
Almost undiscovered even by his closest people, he lived in the deepest depths of wisdom, knowledge and experience. In his case, you cannot talk about a faith. A faith in God.. how can a wave on an ocean have a faith that the ocean exists, when it realizes the pure existence of the ocean and nothing else?
How can a wave believe in the sea?
How can a sunbeam believe in the Sun?
Well, how simple..and how hard to get to this point..
I'll be proud to share some of the thoughts and remarks of this once famous photographer and artist with you.
I know that it may be too proud of me, for I am so so far from his thoughts right now, being 'stuck in a place where nothing awaits for me', but I am sticking to this guy who almost 80 years ago laid down thoughts that are so true like true are sunbeams that come to heat our cheeks every morning. I am sorry Frana, but I feel relief and hope in your words, I have nothing to say myself, I let the word to you, for you can tell better everything I feel, everything I hope for, everything I trust.
I hope you won't be upset with me.. you help me so much ;o)
And I know that my dark friends won't give me peace for sharing this, but the war's already started, and I won't give up easily ;)
"If you see the light, this great light, it's not it. That's duality. Just when you see the steady bright shine, such a shimmer, upon which everything is lighten up, without shadow, this is it. You find in the end, that you yourself are that light, that lightens up everything."
"Silence: by body, tongue, thoughts, imagination, feelings, being, consciousness, in the end silence by Silence. That is - I become Silence."
"Giving is life, accepting is death."
Frantisek Drtikol, taken from the book "Frantisek Drtikol, The Mystic and the Teacher" by Karel Funk, Fontana 2001
Thanx Janne
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