Saturday, June 10, 2006


If a star has a lot of substance, then its matter blows up as a supernova and spread its matter all across the universe, and at the end what has remained collapses into a small, but very powerful and interesting neutron star..perimeter 10km, but matter of hundreds of Suns..time by time (almost every second of our earthly time) it lets us know of its existence by a tiny, but very powerful X-ray glimpses..
If a star has a hundred times more substance than the previous one, the quantity of matter is far too much even for a supernova is far more than what we're used to call 'the space' can all collapses into the powerful and interesting and the most mysterious object in our universe, the Black Hole..
The obvious stars (such as our Sun) slowly but surely burn up their fuel and after a short big giant adventure they collapse into a white dwarf..a totally boring and uninteresting long life, having perspective just about cooling down and becoming a brown dwarf..the most obvious object in our visible universe..cooling down and loosing all the energy, everything that was once a reason to call it a star ;o)
Being a brown dwarf is not a very easy perspective ;o)
Thanx J.

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