Saturday, March 11, 2006

Freeware games and film noir

Actually, I'm a big fan of freeware games, it's cool that someone gives his energy and time (and sometimes money as well) to a project that is just for fun, just for the feeling that you are doing something that amuses you and other people. I like to play these simple freeware games, maybe because of nostalgy again. Somewhere in my cellar is hidden still functional Sinclair ZX Spectrum, the real miracle of the 80's and old Amiga, the cult computer that caused so many new musicians to be born ;o)
I have played the old adventures like Monkey Island and even after years, I still enjoy playing these games. Maybe because they don't occupy half of your harddisk and 5 cd's and you are able to play them from the begginning to the end within one hour.

Right now I have just finished a game called "A Case Of The Crabs", which is a nice parody of the noir detective stories. I like noir films so much, all the atmosphere, sarcasm.. I always wanted to be that guy in a creasy coat, walking down the street in the rain, chasing outlaws, wandering through the smoky booze joints full of nice girls with a disrespute ;o) I somehow like the dull inconclusiveness of the world where always rains and the streets are full of smog and noise..oh, and I like Blade Runner, of course, I think one of my most favourite movies of all times.

If you like film noir and old adventure games as well, try to check out the site OTTER GAMES. Nick Bounty and his two cases, A Case Of The Crabs and The Goat In The Grey Fedora are waiting for you ;o)

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