Thursday, March 02, 2006

Depression is not a key to the highest art.

I just don't believe that people (artists, musicians, writers) are able to create when they are through their hardest times.
It's all bullshit the talks about the artists creating their best output when they are at their lowest low.
I think when you are at the real low point, you are not able to create anything. There has to be a bit of light, so you can create. So you are able to look at yourself and to write something about your lowdown and sorrow. You have to be a bit away from it.
But when you're down, I mean, real down, you cannot create.
I guess you're just somehow watching yourself surviving.
Or slowly fading away.


Adarhaz said...

Sorry for czech language again...

Honzo, myslim, ze si v dost vecech sednem, ale tady nesouhlasim.

Sou ruzny stavy a v některejch patrech se opravdu da jeste udelat vyborna vec (psani atd.). U me je to tak, ze kdyz uz padnu na zem a nemuzu se hejbat, neda se nic, ale nekdy, nekdy ruka jeste dokaze doplazit k tuzce a papiru a krici... A ten krik je potom hodne dobrej odraz... A prece ten zablesk svetla, o kterym pises, tam neni.

Musi to vzdycky bejt bullshit? Fuck vzdycky? Sou lidi, ktery v abolutni tme stvorili zasadni veci.

Janne Marvannen said...

Guess you are somehow right..sometimes to put your sorrow in words or music may save you..when you write it down, suddenly it's out of you..and you can look at it from a perspective..
I had my own experience on my mind, I started to create again a bit when the worst was there was at least the piece of light that I could pick up a pen and write something down..
Everybody's different and obvously I cannot see into the deep of human souls..
I hope you'll keep on writing, and I wish you light as well.
Keep going, Adarhaz, because there always is someone who cares.. ;o)