Saturday, February 11, 2006


This time no poetry, something ordinary ;o)

It's saturday afternoon and I have just waken up.
Yesterday we spent a big night, we went together with I.G., Rob and other friends to a disco-club ;o)
I don't like these places much and I have been at a place like that long long time ago. Usually our discotheques are full of foreigners for whom is Prague just a cheap brothel. I don't like this idea, but sometimes they're right, and it's not a very uplifting feeling.There is always someone who likes to fight and someone who tries to relieve you from money, cigarettes and sometimes even your girl ;o)

But this time our party went to a biggest Prague's club to see Snap and Turbo B!
So we all admitted that under such circumstances we have to pay the visit ;o)
We were seriously surprised when we saw the ad for this performance, we didn't know that they still play..and because of nostalgy, this was the music that we were dancin on when we were young, we went to a discotheque.
It was the way we expected, just DJ set and two MC's, one woman and TurboB, in a quite small room (the club is a five floored house next to Charles Bridge, it's divided to many rooms). But it was ok, Turbo was the same as we knew him, big and loud and people were screaming and dancing, someone poured whole pint of beer over my back and when Turbo and his vocalist were leaving the stage, I managed to slap him over the shoulder ;o)
It was a strange mixture of nostalgy and fun, watching once famous and popular Snap playing in a tiny room of the booze joint. Everything is relative, isn't it?
Their set was unfortunately too short, they played their biggest hits, like The Power, OOps Up, Rythm Is A Dancer, but it was over very quickly.
Neverthless we stayed inside and moved to 80's and 90's floor, where we danced until 6.00 in the morning on tracks of INXS, Bryan Adams and was crazy ;o)

I was quite afraid before, but I have to admit that discoteques sometimes aren't such a bad thing.. if you go there with a party of good people and nobody bothers you.
But next time I'll better go to a club on some live band, that's more enjoyable (and cheaper) ;o)

Yeah, it's great not to be poetic and serious and simply go on a binge ;o) Life's a rock'n'roll, isn't it.

Thanx J.

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